The New York Times Supports GENDA: You can too!

Today, the New York Times released an editorial supporting an issue we have been fighting here at home for years. The Gender Employment Non-Discrimination Act - known as GENDA - would prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression.  18 states have passed similar Transgender Civil Rights Bills, but not our home state of New York. We must keep the momentum of today's support going and act together to get this bill passed.  

So, what can you do? Call your Senator and our State's leadership: 

Governor Andrew Cuomo

Jeffrey D. Klein, Independent Democratic Conference Leader & Majority Coalition Leader

  • District Office: 718-822-2049
  • Albany Office: 518-455-3595
  • Twitter: @JeffKleinNY 

Tony Avella, NYS Senator in Queens and Independent Democratic Conference Member 

  • District Office: 718-357-3094
  • Albany Office: 518-455-2210
  • Twitter: @TonyAvella 

Diane Savino, NYS Senator in Staten Island and Independent Democratic Conference Member

  • District Office:  (718) 727-9406
  • Albany Office:  (518) 455-2437
  • Twitter: @dianesavino 

Dean Skelos, Senate Republican Leader

  • District Office: 516-766-8383
  • Albany Office: 518-455-3171
  • Twitter: @SenatorSkelos 

Tell your friends and family you support GENDA:

Tweet or Facebook: "I stand with @StonewallDemsNY & the @NYTopinion in support of #GENDA and Transgender Civil Rights!"

 Read the full NYT editorial after the jump:

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Federal and Judicial Endorsement Meeting: Wednesday, May 28


Please join us for our federal and judicial endorsement meeting:

May 28, 8 p.m. at the LGBT Center.

All eligible members will be voting to endorse for federal and judicial elections this evening.  (Not a member?  Join!)  

Visit our Facebook page to RSVP & share with your friends!

State-level endorsements will be voted on in July. 

We look forward to seeing you there!