The Stonewall Democratic Club of New York City was founded in 1986 as the first and only citywide LGBT Democratic organization in New York City.  We continue to advocate for legislation that guarantees equality and fairness for the LGBT community in NYC, representing the political ideas, ideals, concerns, and priorities of the LGBT community of New York City and New York State.

The organization achieves these goals by supporting well qualified candidates for local, state, and national office, and by supporting and lobbying for our civil rights, legislative agenda, healthcare, information and education, and for funding for our institutions and organizations.

Meetings are the 4th Wednesday of every month at 8PM.  Unless otherwise specified, or for special events, club meetings are usually at the LGBT Community Center, 208 West Thirteenth Street between Seventh and Greenwich Avenues. Click here for information about SDNYC's next meeting!

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President: Gabriel Lewenstein
Executive Vice President:  Melissa Sklarz
Vice President: Kenny Agosto
Treasurer:  Matthew Lesieur
Secretary: Henry Shane

Board Members:
Richard Allman
Steve Ashkinazy  
Rose Christ
Sayief Leshaw
Cathy Marino-Thomas
Blaise McNair
Elizabeth Monterrosa
Brice Peyre  
Jimmy Rivera
Justin Sanchez
Caleb Simmons
Jonas Siregar 
Tom Smith  
Rod Townsend
John Wahlmeier
Justin Westbrook-Lowrey

At-Large Board
Maura Avington
Dr. Sundeep Singh Boparai
Irak Cehonski
Odis Guerrero
Frank Julca
John Scott
Ramdat Singh
Jacob Priley
Tevin Williams

Tenured Board Member  
Charles Bayor - Tenured Board Member  
Matthew Carlin - Tenured Board Member  
Chap James Day - Tenured Board Member  
Saul Fishman - Tenured Board Member
Lewis Goldstein  - Tenured Board Member
Joe Hagelman  - Tenured Board Member
Connie Ress - Tenured Board Member
Aubrey Lees - Tenured Board Member  
Marc Levine - Tenured Board Member
Michael Mallon - Tenured Board Member
Dirk McCall - Tenured Board Member
Barbara Russo - Member of Board of Governors
Mark Thompson - Member of Board of Governors
Frank Wilkinson - Tenured Board Member
Bob Zuckerman - Tenured Board Member

On a cold night in February 1986 ...

Stonewall Democratic Club of New York City was founded in February 1986 as the first and only citywide Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Democratic organization in New York City. The first event was a small cocktail party held at The Ballroom in Chelsea. Little did we know that this new organization would grow to be the largest LGBT Democratic political club in the City and State of New York.

The organization is named in honor of the Stonewall Rebellion of 1969, the beginning of the modern gay rights movement. In 1969, New York’s gay community decided to fight back against the ongoing routine of police harassment and arrest of gay men, lesbians, and transgender people in Greenwich Village. On the night of June 27-28, 1969 a conflict erupted when the patrons of the Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street, decided to stand up and fight to defend their rights to congregate at a gay bar. The battle with police went on for nearly a week and it eventually led to a new policy by New York City and the police department to stop harassing and arresting LGT people. The LGBT community burst out of the closet and this pivotal moment became known as “the hairpin heard around the world”. There was no looking back.

The Stonewall Democratic Club was founded to continue to fight for those rights. The founders wanted to create a strong voice within the Democratic Party that would represent the interests and concerns of the LGBT community within the party. The goals were to influence elections, legislation, and policy on the city, state, and national levels of government. The most important issues of concern in 1986 were our civil rights and our health.

In New York City the year 1986 was mementous because it was the year the New York City Council finally passed the “Gay Rights Bill”. The bill was introduced every year for 15 years until it finally passed in 1986. That year, Peter Vallone Sr. was elected Majority Leader, later to be renamed Speaker, of the Council. Although he personally did not support the bill, he appointed enough Council Members to the General Welfare Committee who did support the bill so that it could be brought to the floor for a full vote of the Council. He agreed to allow members to vote their conscience. On March 20, 1986 the full Council passed the bill by a margin of 21-1.

This new law prohibited discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodation based on a person’s sexual orientation. Mayor Ed Koch, a supporter of the bill, signed it into law a few days later.

The year 1986 was also the height of the AIDS epidemic. New York City became and continues to be the epicenter of the epidemic in the United States. In 1986, gay men in New York City were being decimated by this new disease. Many men became ill and very quickly, often within weeks or months, died terrible, painful deaths. AIDS forced our community to start to confront many difficult issues, life and death issues, including: health care, health insurance, domestic partner’s rights, hospital visitation, discrimination against people diagnosed or perceived to be infected with the HIV/AIDS, grief, and funerals, many funerals. AIDS forced even the most non-political people in our community to become political activists. Government and politicians held our survival in their hands and our community began to understand that voting, elections, government funding, and laws did matter.

Also in 1986, a major political loss for our community was the Bowers v. Hardwick decision by the United States Supreme Court. This decision upheld the constitutionality of the Georgia sodomy laws which criminalized oral and anal sex in private, by consenting adults of the same sex. This was a terrible defeat for the LGBT community. It adversely influenced LGBT rights for the next 17 years. In 2003, the Supreme Court reversed Bowers v. Hardwick in the Lawrence v. Texas decision, when it struck down the Texas sodomy laws as unconstitutional.

In recognition of the major event in the struggle for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (“LGBT”)
rights, we proudly named this organization the Stonewall Democratic Club in 1986 (the “Club”). This Club
is now named the Stonewall Democratic Club of New York City (“SDNYC”).

The purposes of the Club are:
1. to promote political undertaking and action within the Democratic Party around issues that
primarily affect members of the LGBT community;
2. to promote participation by members of the LGBT community in politics and issues including
social justice, civil liberties, and good government;
3. to promote participation by members of the LGBT community in the Democratic Party;
4. to seek, encourage, and support candidates to public and party office, including qualified members
of the LGBT community, who will publicly support and promote issues affecting the LGBT community;
5. strive for gender, ethnic and racial parity in the Club.

Sec. 1. The Executive Board (“Board”) shall establish and may change from time-to-time the rates of
dues to be paid annually by members.

Sec. 2. The President may, with the consent of the Board, waive any requirements for membership

Sec. 3. Members who have been members in good standing at least 90 days immediately prior to a Club
vote, may vote at general membership meetings, club elections, and endorsements.

Sec. 4. Members who were in good standing within the previous two calendar years may pay the
current year’s dues and be members in good standing, including the right to immediately vote in general
membership meetings, club elections, and endorsements.

Sec. 5. The expulsion of any Member of the Club, for conduct inimical to the best interest of the Club
or contrary to the purposes of the Club, may be proposed by a petition enumerating the reasons therefore,
signed by at least five members of the Board or twenty-five Members of the Club and submitted to the
Secretary. The Secretary shall present the petition at the next meeting of the Board. At that meeting, the
petition may be dismissed by a majority vote of the Board. If the petition is not dismissed, the proposal
shall be tabled until a subsequent meeting of the Board to be held not less than two weeks thereafter. The
Secretary shall give the person in question at least seven-days notice by electronic mail, whenever feasible
hard copy by regular mail of the time and place of such meeting, the charges and the right to make a
statement in person or in writing to such a meeting. A vote of at least two-thirds of the Board Members
present where a quorum is met shall be required for expulsion or removal. A decision unfavorable to the
person in question may be appealed by said person or by any other member at the next meeting of the Club,
provided that such person or such other member notifies the Secretary or the President of the intention to
make such appeal at least twenty four hours in advance of the meeting. If such appeal is taken, the
determination of the Board shall be inoperative unless and until ratified by a vote of the majority of the
members present at such meeting.

Sec. 6. Membership shall run from January 1 to December 31. A person joining the Club for the first
time, if paying membership dues at or after the Club’s October meeting or if no meeting is held in October,
on or after November 1, shall be considered a member in good standing for the remainder of the current
and following calendar year.

Sec. 1. The Board shall consist of the members of the Executive Board, Tenured Board and At-Large

Sec. 2. All Board Members must be Members in good standing of the Club. No person shall be eligible
for nomination as a member of the Board unless they have been a Member in good standing for at least 90
days prior to the date of the nomination.

Sec. 3. There shall be an Executive Board that shall serve as the administrative and governing body of
the Club and serve as the nominating committee for Executive Board elections approved by the
membership at the annual meeting (“Annual Meeting”) defined in Art. VIII Sec. 1.a.

Sec. 4. The Executive Board shall consist of no more than twenty-three (23) and no fewer than eleven
(11) Executive Board Members elected by the Regular Membership.

Sec. 5. The initial Executive Board Members shall be the same as those elected or appointed in the
previous three calendar years before ratification on this constitution under the rules of the previous
constitution then in effect. The Executive Board Members shall be elected for alternating terms of three (3)
years at the Annual Meeting of the Club by a majority of the Members in good standing then in office.
Once elected, each Executive Board Member shall continue in office until a successor is elected following
the completion of a Member’s 3-year term, or until a Member’s death, resignation or removal from the
Executive Board following the protocol stipulated in Art. IV Sec. 5 of the Constitution.

Sec. 6. The election of members of the Executive Board shall be by the Regular membership at the
Annual meeting, which shall take place in January of each year. Prior to the Annual meeting, the Board
shall serve as the nominating committee for Executive Board elections. The nominating committee shall
nominate candidates that shall be presented to the Regular membership at the Annual Meeting. Nothing
shall prevent a Regular member from nominating from the floor alternate candidates. A minimum of one
third of the Executive Board shall be subject to election each year for a three-year term. Each candidate
must receive a majority vote of Members in good standing in attendance at the Annual Meeting of the Club
to be elected to the Executive Board.

Sec. 7 Removal of Executive Board Members shall be done by the same procedure as removal of
Members in Art. III, Sec. 5. Unless it is done at the same time, removal as a Board Member does not
revoke Membership in the Club.

Sec. 8. If there is a vacancy on the Executive Board, the Board shall have the power to fill the vacancy
for the duration of the remainder of the 3-year term of the vacating Member.

Sec. 9. The Board shall study and recommend questions involving political action. Such questions shall
include, but not be limited to, Club endorsements of candidates, nominees, judicial appointments,
legislation, and the Club position on primaries and controversial public questions. All recommendations of
the Board on political action questions as defined above shall be referred to the membership. The Club
shall take a position on a political action questions only by a majority vote of the Members of the Club
voting in a membership meeting where a quorum exists. However, when in the opinion of the Board it
becomes necessary to take immediate political action and it is not feasible to await a general membership
meeting before taking such action, the Board shall have the power to take such action, but in no instance
shall the Board delegate to another group or any person the power to take such action. Endorsement of
candidates can never be deemed an emergency except in the event of a special election, or if a previously
endorsed candidate loses a primary or withdraws from the election too close to Election Day for there to be
an endorsement vote by the Members.

Sec. 10. The Board shall have final authority over all financial matters pertaining to the club, including
revenue generation and expenditures.

Sec. 11. There shall be an annual audit conducted by the President, Treasurer and Executive Vice-
President, and a report shall be made to the Board at the Board meeting following the audit.

Sec. 12. Upon serving on the Board for a period of no less than ten (10) years, if a Board Member is
unable to fulfill the responsibilities of Board Membership, the Board may appoint such member as a
Tenured Board Member by a majority vote. Tenured Board Members have the same rights as Board
Members, but are not required to attend meetings, or fulfill other obligations of Board Members or stand
for reelection. Tenured Board Members do not count towards the total number of Board Members or
towards a quorum. Tenured status may be removed by the Board by a majority vote. The initial Tenured
Members shall be those voted as such under the previous version of the club’s constitution.

Sec. 13. The Board may appoint Members as Board Members At-Large. At-Large Board Members have
all the rights and privileges as Board Members, but may not vote at Board Meetings or serve as Officers
and do not count towards a quorum of the Board. At-Large Board Member status shall be confirmed by the
Executive Board every three years following the initial appointment during the Annual Meeting closest to
their date of appointment. At-Large Board Members will be considered first to fill out the terms of Board
Members who have left the Board before the end of their terms. At-Large Board status may be removed by
the Board by a majority vote. The initial At-Large Board Members shall be those voted as such under the
previous version of the club’s constitution. Unless it is done at the same time, removal as an At-Large
Board Member does not revoke Membership in the Club.

Sec. 14. Any Executive Board Member or At-Large Board Member who is absent without good cause
from three consecutive regularly scheduled meetings of the Board, or four regularly scheduled meetings in
one calendar year, shall forfeit Board Membership, upon a vote of the Board. Notice of good cause for an
absence must be given to the President in advance of the meeting.

Sec. 15. The Board may require Board Member participation in Club events outside of regularly
scheduled meetings by a majority vote, as expressly stated in the by-laws.

Sec. 16. The Board may appoint from time-to-time individuals outside of the Board important to the Club
and its interests, with their consent, to serve on an Honorary Board, including LGBT elected officials. The
Honorary Board serves at the pleasure of the Board.

Sec. 17. The Board may appoint from time-to-time such employees and other agents as it shall deem
necessary, each of whom shall hold office during the pleasure of the board, and shall have such authority
and perform such duties and shall receive such reasonable compensation as the Board may from time-totime
determine. Any employee or agent of the Club may be removed with or without cause by a vote
of the majority of Board Members present at a Board meeting where there is a quorum.

Sec. 1. The Board shall strive to ensure appropriate representation in the officers of the Club, including
gender, ethnic and racial parity.

Sec. 2. The officers of the Club shall be:
(a) President;
(b) Executive Vice-President;
(c) Vice-President (1);
(d) Vice-President (2);
(e) Treasurer; and
(f) Secretary.

Sec. 3. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
(a) The President, consistent with the Constitution, shall:
• Preside at all meetings of the membership and the Board.
• Prepare the agenda for such meetings.
• Represent the Club in such matters as are necessary for the Club.
• Exercise such powers and carry out such tasks as directed by the Board.
• Appoint the chairpersons of all committees.
• In conjunction with the Treasurer prepare an annual budget.
• Distribute an electronic copy of this Constitution prior to the Annual Meeting, by electronic mail
or link to the Club’s website.
• Assign duties and responsibilities to other officers of the Club.
• Authorize expenses and reimbursements incurred on behalf of the club under $1000.00, seeking
Board authorization when appropriate.
(b) The Executive Vice-President shall assist the President in carrying out their duties, as well as those
assigned to them by the President, and shall preside in the absence of the President.
(c) The Vice-Presidents shall assist the President in carrying out their duties, as well as those assigned to
them by the President.
(d) The Treasurer shall maintain the financial and membership records of the Club, shall present an
annual written financial report, and shall provide access to financial statements or list of members to any
Board Member. Board Members shall maintain the confidentiality of such lists and use them only for
activities authorized by the Board. Violation of the aforementioned shall be cause for immediate Board
membership suspension, pending dismissal.
(e) The Secretary shall maintain all non-financial records, including this Constitution, and shall take
minutes of all Membership and Board meetings. These minutes shall be available to all Members at the
next regularly scheduled Membership meeting.

Sec. 4. Each officer shall be elected by the Board and from the Executive Board in an open meeting.

Sec. 5. The regular term of each elective office shall be one year commencing with the first Board
meeting following the Annual Meeting.

Sec. 6. If the office of the President shall become vacant during the regular term, the Executive Vice-
President shall assume the role of President for the remainder of the term, with the consent of the Board at a
special meeting called at the time of vacancy. If the Board chooses, it may select one of the Vice-Presidents
to be President for the remainder of the term instead of the Executive Vice-President. If there shall be a
vacancy in any other elective office during the regular term of that office, it shall be filled by the Board for
the remainder of the term.

Sec. 7. Removal of Officers shall be done by the same procedure as removal of Members in Art. III,

Sec. 8. Unless it is done at the same time, removal as an Officer does not revoke Board Membership or
membership in the Club.

Sec. 9. No present candidate for elected office (not including unpaid or party position such as District
Leader, State Committee Member, or Judicial Delegate) may be elected an officer of the Club.

Sec. 10. Any Club officer who declares a run for office must immediately take a leave of absence until
the end of their campaign. The Board shall appoint an interim replacement until such time.

Sec. 11. If any officer is elected to office (not including unpaid or party position such as District
Leader, State Committee Member, or Judicial Delegate) they must resign as an officer. Sec. 10. Any
officers leaving a position shall make themselves available to their successor and assist in ensuring a
smooth transition.

Sec. 1. No individual or recurring expense totaling greater than $1,000.00 shall be authorized by the
President without the prior approval of a majority of the Board.

Sec. 2. President, Executive Vice-President, and Treasurer shall be authorized to sign Club business

Sec. 3. All Club business checks must be endorsed by two authorized signers; for any electronic funds
transfers that do not require signatures to be sent, transfers must be noticed to at least two authorized
signers. No individual shall be authorized to endorse checks alone.

Sec. 1. The President, subject to the approval of the Board or the Board on its own, may create ad hoc
or standing committees as deemed necessary. Chairpersons of all committees shall be appointed by the
President subject to the approval of the Board. Committees shall only have the powers specifically
designated to them by the Board.

Sec. 2. The President and Executive Vice-President are ex-officio members of all Committees.

Sec. 3. Club Members in good standing may serve on Committees.

Sec. 4. There may be additional standing committees consisting of the membership, audit, campaign,
policy, filling of vacancies on the Board, amendment, repeal or addition of by-laws, resolutions, and other
committees as from time-to-time shall be deemed necessary.

Sec. 1. General Membership
a. There shall be an Annual Meeting held during the month of January, at which regular elections
shall be held for members of the Board.
b. Meetings of the general membership may be called at any time by the President, a majority of the
Board, or upon written request by 30 members in good standing. There shall be at least nine meetings of the
general membership, including the Annual Meeting, throughout the year.
c. Notice of the time and place of each regular, special, or annual meeting of the Board, and to the
extent possible a written agenda stating all matter upon which action is proposed to be taken, shall be
mailed to each Board Member via electronic mail, and/or postage prepaid addressed to their residence or
usual place of business (or at such other address as they may have designated in a written request filed with
the Secretary), at least eight days before the day on which the meeting is to be held; provided however that
the notice of special meetings to discuss matters requiring prompt action may be sent to such address by
email, no less than twenty four hours before the time at which such meeting is to be held. Notice of a
meeting need not be given to any Board Member who submits a signed waiver of notice whether before of
after the meeting, or who attends the meeting with out protesting, prior thereto or at its commencement, the
lack of notice received.
d. Twenty-five members in good standing or 20% of the general membership, whichever is fewer,
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
e. All questions, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, shall be decided by a majority
of those voting. Every Member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote, which must be cast in person
and not by proxy.

Sec. 2. Board
a. There shall be at least nine regularly scheduled meetings of the Board in each calendar year on
dates to be determined by the President, with the approval of the Board.
b. The President may call special meetings of the Board.
c. The President must call a special meeting within 7 days upon receipt of a petition for a meeting
signed by at least 1/3 of the members of the Board.
d. All meetings for the purpose of transacting business shall be open to the general membership,
except when the Board votes to go into executive session.
e. One-half of the Board membership plus one of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business.
f. All questions, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution shall be decided by a majority
of those voting. Every member of the Board shall be entitled to one vote, which must be cast in person and
not by proxy.

Sec. 1. Endorsement of candidates for public or party office shall be made by the Regular membership
at any membership meeting on the agenda of which the Board shall have determined to include such
endorsement. Recommendations for endorsement for all elective positions may be made by the Board. The
Board may present its recommendations to the regular membership prior to the election. Nothing shall
prevent a Member from nominating an alternate candidate.

Sec. 2. Endorsements shall be made in accordance with the by-laws of the club.

Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by the Board or by written petition signed by twenty five
members in good standing or 20% of the members in good standing, whichever is greater, and
submitted to the Secretary. To become effective, any amendment so proposed must be approved and
adopted thereafter by two-thirds of the members present at two meetings of the Club that shall be at least
one week apart. The substance of the change to be affected by such proposed amendment or amendments
must be included in the notice of each aforesaid consecutive meetings and the notice of the second meeting
shall further state that final action will be taken upon amendment or amendments to this constitution. Said
amendment or amendments shall become effective as part of the constitution upon the date of final
approval and adoption on such other date as the amendment or amendments shall specify.

Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the parliamentary procedure, the duties of the officers and other
aspects of a legally constituted organization in the absence of specific provisions in this Constitution or in
the by-laws of this Club to the contrary.

The membership may from time-to-time adopt and amend By-Laws, as recommended by the Board, to
implement the constitution by majority vote of those in attendance at a general membership meeting where
a quorum exists.


Sec. 1. Dues
a. The following are the classes of membership in the club and the minimum dues which shall be
annually paid:
--An individual shall pay $35.00.
--A household consisting of no more than 2 people shall pay $50.00
--A student, senior, disabled person, or person on a fixed income shall pay $13.00.

Sec. 2. President’s Report
a. At every membership meeting the President shall report to the membership on all Board actions taken
since the last membership meeting.

Sec. 3 Board Participation in Club Activities
a. Executive and At-Large Board Members shall participate in at least one club Pride event annually, as
determined by a majority vote of the Board.

b. Executive and At-Large Board Members shall participate in club campaign activities on behalf of
endorsed candidates, as determined by a majority vote the Board.

c. Tenured Board Members shall attend at least three Club events per year, which may include regularly
scheduled meetings, fundraisers, formally sponsored campaign or parties. Exceptions may be made with
good cause.

d. Tenured Board Members shall make every effort to attend Board meetings when possible and
otherwise remain engaged in the activities of the club.

Sec. 4 Endorsements
a. A secret ballot may used for candidate endorsements at the request of any Member eligible to vote.
The ballot will take place after the Board has made its endorsement recommendations, if any, to the

b. The Club shall only endorse candidates who have indicated that they desire the endorsement through
either completion of a Club questionnaire, speaking, or sending an authorized surrogate to speak, before a
meeting of the Regular Membership with the express purpose of requesting the Club’s endorsement.

c. The Club’s endorsement may not be withdrawn unless new information is revealed regarding a
candidate that is inimical to the purposes of the Club or pertains to a crime or other serious transgression,
the candidate publicly changes a position on an issue of importance to the Club, or it becomes apparent that
the membership was not fully informed about the candidate’s positions on issues of importance to the Club.
In order to withdraw the endorsement, an emergency meeting of the Club must be held with at least 48 hours of notice by electronic mail. At said emergency meeting, an endorsement may be withdrawn upon a two thirds vote
of a quorum of the membership. If a quorum is not present, the Board may withdraw the endorsement by a
two thirds vote.

d. In races with more than two candidates seeking the Club’s endorsement, instant runoff voting shall
be used. Members shall rank the candidates in their order of preference. If no candidate receives a majority
of the first choice votes, the candidate with the least total of first choice votes shall be eliminated. The
second choice votes from these ballots shall then be transferred to the other candidates. The ballots shall be
recounted and candidates eliminated in this fashion until a winner emerges with a majority of the vote. “No
endorsement” may be ranked.

e. If requested, the Club shall provide an opportunity for individuals to address those in attendance at
the Club Meeting in which endorsements will be considered, provided the considered candidates are not
present during these remarks.

Sec. 5 Conduct and Communications
a. Members of the Board are bound by the Code of Conduct attached as Exhibit A and the
Communications Policy attached as Exhibit B.

Sec. 6 Political Action Committee Expenditures
a. Club Officers must receive 24 hours notice by electronic mail prior to any expenditure from the SDNYC Political Action Committee (PAC) account. Any officer may object to a proposed PAC expenditure within the 24 hour window, triggering a mandatory vote by all officers. To move forward, the expenditure must be approved by the majority of Officers (4 of the 6 officers).

EXHIBIT A - Code of Conduct

Board Members are expected to adhere to the following guidelines for conduct. The guidelines are as follows:

All Board Members must work to uphold the integrity of the Club’s official purpose and mission
especially with regard to adherence of all rules, regulations, policies, and procedures as outlined in
the Club’s Constitution and By-Laws.

No Board Member other then the President or the President’s designee shall under any
circumstances speak officially for the Club before any group or to any member of the press without
first consulting the stated “Communication Policy” of the Club.

All Board Members must behave in an ethical manner and be of a character that is consistent with
upholding the good reputation of the Club; this includes demonstrating an acceptable degree of
professionalism, courtesy, and respect toward fellow Board Members.

No Board Member shall intentionally bring public embarrassment or ill repute upon the Club, its
Officers, and the Board.

Any Board Member who is found by the Executive Board to have violated this Code of Conduct will
forfeit their position on the Executive Board for conduct inimical to the best interest of the Club as
outlined by Article IV, Sec. 5 of the Constitution.

EXHIBIT B - Communications Policy

I. Purpose
A. This Policy (the “Policy”), which has been approved by the Executive Board as By-Laws to the
Constitution, sets forth appropriate procedures for Club communications with the media as well as internal
Board communications and communications with the Club membership, non-members, political
campaigns, and elected officials.
II. Press
A. Press Inquiries
1. All inquiries from the press should be directed immediately to the President. If a member of the press
asks for a comment or information regarding Club business, Board Members are to state that they cannot
speak for the Club and give contact information for the President.
a. Under limited circumstances, the President may, at their discretion, delegate Officers or Board
Members to speak on behalf of the Club. The authorization must be specific and limited in scope to a
particular topic or issue and should be for a limited duration.
2. When acting as individuals, Board Members shall not identify themselves to the press as members of
the Club.
a. If a Board Member acting as an individual knows that a member of the press has knowledge that they
are a Board Member of the Club, the Board Member has a duty to state that they are speaking as an
individual and specifically request that they not be identified as a Club member.
b. Board Members should go out of their way to avoid the appearance of acting on behalf of the Club,
when they are not.
III. Internal Communications
A. Generally
1. Internal Board Communications are governed by the Club’s Code of Conduct as adopted by the
Board and amended into the By-Laws.
2 Board Members should exercise judgment regarding the means they use to communicate with other
Board Members and keep in mind that written communications, especially email, can be forwarded to third
3. Board Members should especially use their discretion regarding sensitive or private matters.
Whenever practicable, phone calls or face-to-face meetings should be used, rather than email.
B. Email
1. All email between Board Members regarding Club business is deemed confidential.
2. Board email shall not be forwarded to non-Board Members without Presidential or Full Board
3. Board Members should use their discretion regarding whether to send emails to the entire Board, to
selected officers, or just to the President.
4. The “reply all” feature should only be used when necessary.
IV. External Communications
A. Communications to the Membership and Non-Members
1. All Club advertisements, email, letters, postcards, invitations, palm-cards, fliers and other
communications to the membership (dues paying and other people on our mailing lists) or non-members
must be approved by the President or the Board. Secretary shall also be consulted on all such
communications whenever practicable.
2. Confidential Board business and information may not be disclosed to regular members, or non-club
members without Full Board or Presidential approval.
B. Communications to Elected Officials and Campaigns.
1. All Club emails, letters, postcards, invitations, palm-cards, fliers, and other communications to
campaigns, elected officials, or staff members of elected officials must be approved by the President or the
2. When communicating with elected officials, staff members of elected officials, or working with a
campaign for an endorsed or unendorsed candidate, Board Members may not disclose confidential
information regarding Club business to campaign staffers or candidates without proper Board or
Presidential approval.
C. Endorsement Vote Totals and Results
1. Endorsement vote totals, including percentages and instant runoff voting round winners, are
confidential Club business and are only to be disclosed to non-Board Members by the President or with
Presidential or Board approval.
2. Only the President or their designees shall inform candidates regarding endorsement results.V. Violations
A. Violations to this policy are to be Agenda items at the following Board Meeting for discussion of
appropriate measures to be taken pursuant to the constitution and the Board Code of Conduct.