Upcoming Pride Events!

Join SDNYC this Saturday, June 13th at the Brooklyn Pride Parade! Please meet SDNYC no later than 7:15pm at 5th Ave. & Lincoln Pl. no later than7:15pm. Look for the SDNYC banner to find us when you reach the intersection.

RSVP to join us at Brooklyn Pride on Facebook and be sure to check out our other upcoming Pride celebrations on our Facebook events page and our website.

We hope to see you on Saturday at 7:15pm in Brooklyn!

Join us THIS THURSDAY at the SDNYC 2015 Annual Event!

We hope you will join us THIS THURSDAY, JUNE 4 from 6:00 - 8:30PM at the Union Square Ballroom as we celebrate LGBT pride and recognize the following honorees for their activism for the LGBT Community:

Hon. Ruben Diaz Jr.Bronx Borough President

Stuart AppelbaumPresident, Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU)

Octavia LewisEducational Specialist for Transgender Programming, The Hetrick-Martin Institute

Mark ThompsonEVP, Capalino + Company

Buy your tickets and sign up to be listed a sponsor TODAY!

General Admission for One: $100

Bronze Sponsorship Includes General Admission for One: $175

Silver Sponsorship Includes General Admission for One: $250

Gold Sponsorship Includes General Admission for One: $500

Superstar Sponsorship Includes General Admission for Two: $1000

Thank everyone who has already generously agreed to sponsor our event and purchased tickets!

Your contribution enables us to continue to advocate on behalf of the City’s LGBT community, to work to elect progressive Democratic candidates in all 5 boroughs, and to support a LGBT CUNY student studying politics, public service or related field through SDNYC’s Lew Todd Scholarship! 

Additional information is available on the Facebook Event Page or our website.

SDNYC May Meeting: Supporting the Racial & Ethnic Diversity of NYC's LGBT Community

On Wednesday, May 27th at 8:00 PM at The LGBT Center, please join SDNYC for a conversation about supporting the racial & ethnic diversity of NYC's LGBT community.

NYC Diversity Meeting.png

RSVP on Facebook to join SDNYC next Wednesday for a discussion on “Supporting the Racial & Ethnic Diversity of NYC's LGBT Community” and invite your friends to participate this important conversation.

We hope to use this meeting as an opportunity to underscore the importance of ensuring discussions about the LGBT community include a diverse range of voices that speak to the full spectrum of unique and varied needs of LGBT New Yorkers as well as to discuss how organizations, and we as individuals, can support and amplify the work of those advocating for minority constituencies within NYC's broader LGBT community.

The following panel will lead this discussion:

  • LaLa Zannell, Community Organizer, New York City Anti-Violence Project
  • Bianey Garcia, Community Organizer, Make The Road New York
  • Terrance Knox, Executive Board Member of Brooklyn Community Pride Center & Business Development Director at Vodafone America
  • Moderated by: Juan Rosa, West Harlem Democratic District Leader, SDNYC Board Member and Government & Community Affairs Manager at Neighborhood Housing Services of New York Cit

In addition, attendees will be encouraged to engage in positive dialogue about coming together to support and recognize the importance of celebrating the racial and ethnic diversity of NYC's LGBT community.