TOMORROW - March with SDNYC in the St. Pats For All Parade!
THIS SUNDAY -- March 5th, 2017 | 1pm | Sunnyside Queens
See below for more information about joining SDNYC at the 18th annual St. Pats for All Parade & don't forget to RSVP/invite your friends to join us on Facebook!
1:00pm -- Assembly & Remarks
2:00pm -- Parade Step-Off
Meeting Location: 42nd St and Skillman Ave in Sunnyside (look for the SDNYC banner when you arrive at meeting location)
Parade Route:
From-- 43rd St and Skillman Ave in Sunnyside
To -- 58st St and Woodside Ave in Woodside
Tele-Town Hall w/ National Equity Action Team (NEAT)
Between Trump’s rescinding of transgender guidance for students, to the upcoming Supreme Court case of Gavin Grimm, there has been a lot in the news lately affecting our community. To help make sense of it all, we are excited to partner with the National Equality Action Team (NEAT) to host a tele-Town Hall on the evening of Monday, March 6 to give you the information you need and want. Sign up here to call in!
Join us as we break these events down, talk about why it matters and answer your questions. We will discuss issues such as what Title IX is and how it affects LGBTQ people, the raminfications of rescinding the guidance for transgender students, the implications of the upcoming Grimm case at the Supreme Court, as well as provid an opportunity to answer as many of your questions as we can.
Rally To Raise Awareness of Violence Against Trans Women Of Color
March 26 | 5:30pm | Jackie Robinson Park (Harlem)
Since January 1, 2017 seven trans women of color have lost their lives - all but one was under 35.
Violence towards transgender women of color is an epidemic and one that must be addressed immediately.
Join SDNYC and a coaliton of LGBT Community Leaders on March 26, 2017 at 5:30pm in Jackie Robinson Park for a rally to raise public awareness of the ongoing epidemic of physical violence being perpetrated against transgender women of color. More information & RSVP link TBA.
Rally participants will seek to engage our elected officials and community members and to build alliances with those who are ready committed to working with the trans community to find solutions in the following key areas:
- Law—The need for further legal protections for transgender women to keep them safe from violence and discrimination.
- Housing—Addressing homelessness and the cofactors that exist that lead to transgender women facing a lack of safe, affordable housing.
- Job training—Preparing transgender women of color for employment by offering free skills-building workshops/courses.
- Education—Making education a reality for those who wish to attend school free from harassment and bullying.
- Social Media—A nationwide campaign to educate and raise awareness about transgender communities of color.
- Funding—A recognition that securing funding is essential in order to move our agenda forward. It is essential to put funding dollars behind these goals if we are to succeed.
Click here to read the full press release and learn more.
Housing Needs Survey for LGBTQ Seniors in NYC
The NYC Council, the Stonewall Community Development Corporation, and SAGE have launched an online survey that will help to assess the housing needs of LGBTQ Seniors in NYC. Click the following link to access the survey which will be online until April 15, 2017: