Primary Election Results!

Please join us in congratulating the following SDNYC endorsed candidates who won their Primary election races yesterday!

2017 Primary Election Winners-page-001.jpg

We look forward to continuing to support these candidates in the weeks leading up to the General Election on November 7, 2017 as well as the SDNYC endorsed candidates that did not have a primary election yesterday!

See below for a complete recap of SDNYC endorsed candidates that are expected to appear on the 2017 General Election ballot in November.

endorsed candidates for nov ballot-page-001.jpg

Don't Forget to Vote!

Don't Forget to Vote in the 2017 Primary Election


Not sure if you’re registered to vote the 2017 Primary?
Click here to confirm your voter registration.

Need to know where to vote?
Want find out who is on the ballot for your district?

Click here to find your polling location and to see a sample ballot.

Not sure who to vote for?
See below for an overview of SDNYC's endorsed candidates! (click image to enlarge)

SDNYC withdraws Ydanis Rodriguez Endorsement

In July 2017, Stonewall Democratic Club of NYC (SDNYC) voted to endorse Ydanis Rodriguez, a candidate seeking reelection to represent Council District 10 in the 2017 Municipal Elections. However, after learning of Rodriguez's recent endorsement of Ruben Diaz, Sr.'s campaign for NYC Council, SDNYC scheduled a special meeting on 8/17/17 to review it's endorsement decision.


After hearing from Rodriguez at the special meeting, reviewing his 2017 SDNYC candidate questionnaire, and discussing his track record on supporting LGBT New Yorkers, the Club determined that Rodriguez had misrepresented his position on supporting candidates who work against LGBT equality in his questionnaire, and that his support for Diaz, Sr. was unacceptable. As a result, SDNYC withdrew its endorsement.


Although Rodriguez has historically been a friend of the Club, SDNYC was deeply troubled and disappointed in his decision to stand by his endorsement of Diaz, Sr., despite the strong rebuke from his constituents and the LGBT community at large. While SDNYC has rescinded its endorsement, the Club remains steadfast in urging Rodriguez to withdraw his support for Diaz, Sr. immediately and to apologize to the LGBT community.


The Club does not relish calling out its friends by name but we will not hesitate to continue hold all those who advance the political ambitions of bigoted candidates accountable for their actions. SDNYC has been clear that it is unconscionable for those who claim to be our allies to support candidates who actively work against the equality for the LGBT community and SDNYC's decision to withdraw its endorsement of Rodriguez is consistent with the Club's ongoing commitment to being vocal in calling out those who choose to stand by candidates like Diaz, Sr., instead of standing up for the rights of LGBT New Yorkers.


Meeting Information:

  • TIME: 6:30 - 7:30 pm
  • LOCATION: The LGBT Center, 208 W 13th Street, Manhattan

As you may have seen reported in the press earlier this week, NYC Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez recently endorsed Ruben Diaz, Sr.’s campaign to represent City Council District 18 in the Bronx.
Rodriguez is running for reelection to represent Council District 10 in Manhattan and received SDNYC’s endorsement in late July. Prior to voting to endorse Rodriguez, SDNYC’s Membership reviewed his response to our Club’s 2017 candidate questionnaire, in which Rodriguez answered “no” to the following question: “Have you or would you in the future, endorse or financially support any candidate for public office or current elected official with a track record of working against LGBT equality?”

Rodriguez’s endorsement of Diaz, Sr. is inconsistent with his response to this question. As has been well documented, Diaz Sr. has consistently worked against the LGBT communitythroughout his tenure in NY politics and he is continuing to espouse discriminatory, bigoted and misogynistic points of view as candidate in the Council District 18 primary election.

Therefore, pursuant to the Club’s Bylaws, we will be reviewing SDNYC’s endorsement of Rodriguez at a special meeting scheduled for this Thursday, August 17th from 6:30-7:30 at the LGBT Center in Manhattan.
At Thursday’s meeting eligible SDNYC Members** will have the opportunity to vote on whether or not the Club should withdraw its endorsement of Rodriguez. In the event the number voting Members attending the meeting does not constitute a quorum, the Members of the SDNYC Board will hold a vote to determine whether or not to withdraw the Club’s endorsement. The Club’s endorsement decision will be shared on SDNYC’s website, Facebook page and twitter feed shortly after ballots are counted and confirmed.

Please email us with any questions in advance of Thursday’s meeting and we hope you will join us as we review this important endorsement decision.


*SDNYC Bylaws:
The Bylaws state that the Club may review whether to withdraw its endorsement if “new information is revealed regarding a candidate that is inimical to the purposes of the Club,…the candidate publicly changes a position on an issue of importance to the Club, or it becomes apparent that the Membership was not fully informed about the candidate’s positions on issues of importance to the Club.” (The full text of SDNYC’s constitution and bylaws is available on our website.)

**Eligibility to Vote at SDNYC's Meeting on August 17th:

  • Individuals who have been dues paying Members of SDNYC in 2016 or 2015, are eligible to vote at the August 17th meeting so long as they have paid the Club's 2017 dues before casting their ballot (payment can submitted online in advance or in person at the August 17th meeting).
  • Individuals who were not dues paying Members of SDNYC in 2016 or 2015, must have paid the Club's 2017 Membership dues on or before May 20th to be eligible to vote at the August 17th meeting.

 To pay 2017 dues and find out more about becoming a Member visit: