SDNYC Calls on Eric Adams to Resign

Following a full membership vote of the club, the Stonewall Democrats of NYC call on Eric Adams to resign.

As the city continues to react to the indictment of Mayor Eric Adams and the investigations of his administration’s top leadership, the Stonewall Democrats of NYC consider the impact of the controversy in City Hall on our mission to protect and advance the interests of the LGBTQ community in our city. Last week, the members of the Stonewall Democrats of NYC voted, and an overwhelming majority of our members believe that Eric Adams should step down.

While every individual is entitled to a presumption of innocence in the court of law, New Yorkers deserve a Mayor we can trust, and whose undivided focus is on governing the City. We must be confident that our city’s leadership is responding to the needs of New Yorkers, and not those of special interests.

The LGBTQ community has critical needs that require the attention of a city leader - including addressing the unique needs of the LGBTQ community in education, health care, and public safety. With top city administrators in each of these policy areas resigning, a distracted Mayor at best, and a Mayor whose favor can be bought at worst, we believe that it is in the best interest of New Yorkers for Mayor Adams to step aside.