Join Stonewall Democrats at the 2014 Heritage of Pride March!
The Heritage of Pride March is this Sunday, June 29.
SDNYC is group #17 and will be in SECTION 3 of the parade lineup on 39th St. between 5th & 6th Ave. SDNYC group leaders will be in the lineup beginning at 10:30 AM. Please plan to arrive at the Section 3 parade lineup no later than 12:00 PM.
Stonewall Democrats will be vocal and visible at this year's parade with a (small) float and a live DJ making sure everyone is having a great time. This is a big tent event, and we want all of our members, our members' families and friends, elected officials, and members of allied groups to join us as we celebrate NYC PRIDE all the way down 5th avenue and into the West Village while honoring the real reason for the day - remembering those who fought for our right to march openly and committing to continue to fight for full equality for the entire LGBT community. So dress festively and comfortably and be prepared to shake a tail feather and make some noise as we head down to Christopher Street!
For those of you marching with elected officials or other political clubs, many of the elected officials, political campaigns and political clubs will also be in Section 3 so stop by, say hello and march with us for a block or two even if you are marching with another group!
Will you be joining us? RSVP to share this event with friends on Facebook and click below to sign up for parade day updates!
Parade Grand Marshals--
- Rea Carey
- Laverne Cox
- Jonathan Groff
There are many events scheduled before Sunday's parade. For information about other 2014 Pride events go to !