Rob Astorino's Alignment With Anti-LGBT Activists

July 16 - New York City LGBT political clubs Stonewall Democrats of NYC, Gay and Lesbian Independent Democrats, Lambda Independent Democrats of Brooklyn, and Lesbian and Gay Democratic Club of Queens released the following joint statement in response to news about republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino's alignment with anti-LGBT activists.

“Yesterday, LGBT New Yorkers found out that Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino received nearly $85,000 in campaign contributions from a person that believes that LGBT couples are incapable of being stable, healthy parents and are undeserving of the same legal protections as everyone else. Sean Fieler, a main funder of the City Action Coalition PAC, has consistently donated to Rob Astorino over the past several years. He has also contributed to funding the repeal of transgender rights in California, spearheaded an attack ad campaign in 2013 against some of our greatest leaders in the New York City Council because they are openly gay, and has continued to stand against progressive values that have defined our City and State as a leader for equality.

“Does Mr. Astorino agree with his top donor's ultraconservative views that LGBT New Yorkers are morally inferior to others? Does he support Sean Fieler's commitment to rolling back the clock on marriage equality nationwide?

“Rob Astorino should return the funds given by Sean Fieler. If he supports these views, he should know that the LGBT community will not let New York be taken back into the dark ages.”

Come visit Stonewall Democrats at Staten Island Pride Fest, Saturday, July 12.

Staten Island Pride Fest is Saturday, July 12 and the only city-wide LGBT Democratic club will be represented.  SDNYC members will be at our booth at the Pride .  Come by to discuss candidates, campaigns, and current status of LGBT issues in New York.  Come out to the Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden, 1000 Richmond Terrace, North Meadow any time between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.  See you there!


NYC Heritage of Pride March Photos & Thank You!

Thank you to the more than forty people who joined SDNYC at the NYC Heritage of Pride March and to the amazing spectators for cheering us on as we danced/marched our way down 5th Ave. and into the West Village!

SDNYC is proud to march in the parade and to honor the real reason for the day - remembering those who fought for our right to march openly and committing to continue to fight for full equality for the entire LGBT community!

Check out the gallery to see more of SDNYC's photos!

Here Is Your 2014 Pride Calendar!

June 2014 is already a precedent setting pride.  Bill de Blasio became the first standing mayor of New York City to march the Queens Pride this past Sunday, June 1st.  

Pride Month is far from over though and there are ongoing activities in every borough throughout June and into July.  Stonewall Democrats will be at each event and encourage your attendance.

  • June 25th, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - Queens Borough Hall LGBT Pride Celebration honoring Vice President of SDNYC, Rose Christ! (click link for information about the other lgbt advocates that will be honored at this event)
  • June 26th, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - Mayor de Blasio's LGBT Pride BBQ at Gracie Mansion 

We'll be adding details as they become available!  Happy Pride!

Stonewall Democrats at Queens Pride